Category : HR Transformation

Sharing Accountability for HR Transformation – Chapter 7

Sharing Accountability for HR Transformation – Chapter 7

A successful process of HR transformation involves the right people at the right time in the right way. The importance of involvement in successful change management is well established. We know from decades of social-psychological research that people are more likely to be committed to activities or decisions in which they are involved. This is particularly important in the case of HR leaders and professionals engaged in transformation.

Four groups of stakeholders should be involved with the HR transformation are:

  • HR leaders and professionals: Design the process and work to implement the transformation.
  • Line managers: Make sure the transformation aligns to business goals and work with HR to implement the transformation.
  • External customers and investors: Guide the HR transformation for relevance.
  • Consultants and advisers: Offer frameworks and insights developed by others, and point out potholes that others have stumbled into.

Let’s look at all these stakeholders in detail and see how we can share accountability of our HR Transformation with each of them.


Category : HR Transformation

Upgrade HR Professionals – Chapter 6

Upgrade HR Professionals – Chapter 6

Ultimately, HR transformation depends on the quality of HR professionals. Given the challenges of understanding the full business context, defining important business-related outcomes, and redesigning the HR department and state-of-the-art HR practices (all in our previous chapters), the bar has been raised for HR professionals.

The competencies that were all HR professionals once needed are no longer sufficient in the new world of HR challenges. In this chapter, the four-step model for building competencies has introduced.


Category : HR Transformation

Why do HR Transformation? – Chapter 2

Why do HR Transformation? – Chapter 2

In Chapter 1, we gave an introduction in HR Transformation, defined it and also gave a model for transforming the HR function. In this chapter, we’ll talk about why even do it in the first place. When people understand the “why” of change they are more likely to accept the “what”. The context of a business setting captures the “why” of HR transformation. When HR transformation connects to the context of the business, it is more likely to be sustained because it responds to real needs.

This means linking HR efforts directly to the business strategy and to the environmental factors that frame the strategy. Let’s go through all the things we’ll be covering in this chapter.
